Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 13, 2002 at 10:34:31AM +0000, Tim wrote:
>> I also don't think I've yet forgiven SGI for making the power
>> supply (simple slide-in/slide-out with two thumbscrews) on the O2000
>> a non user replaceable part - i.e. they won't sell you one without
>> a service contract and an engineer round to plug it in.
> You sure about that? I had to replace a bad PSU on an O2K in '99;
> called SGI, shipped them the power supply, they shipped one back...
In the UK, in 2000, they wouldn't ship a power supply without an
attendant engineer to perform the complex task of undoing the thumbscrews.
(With the attendant cost, as well - of course...)
Whether this was global policy or just a local thing, or just SGI being
bloody minded for the sake of it I wouldn't like to comment :-).
Of course, when said engineer did come round, he cheered me up
immensely with "Oh, yes, this model of PSU was known to be bad, they
always blow; the replacement should be fine." Well great, thanks
for telling me when I needed to know...
I also forgot to mention the sheer awfulness of IRIX in my previous
list of gripes... Anyone else had to deal with a corrupt XFS filesystem
on a production machine? "Excuse me, my XFS filesystem is corrupt and
I need it fixed," "well, XFS can't get corrupted so we don't have any
tools to repair it." "OK, lets pretend XFS isn't corrupt but that IRIX
panics every time it reads a particular directory entry, how do I repair
it?" "Sorry, XFS cannot be corrupt, so there is no way to repair it..."
Cue a long night of restoring from backups :-(.
Fortunately for Sun, there ain't any SGI systems still in production
use round my end of the world any more...
Tim Walls at home in Croydon - Reply to
Received on Wed Feb 13 2002 - 11:33:44 GMT