--- Tony Duell <ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> > Yes... Z8530 SCSI chip, minor mods to the protocol. It's possible
> A minor correction. The Z8530 is a serial comms chip (USART-type thing),
> used in Macs, PERQ3as, Suns, and so on.
> The SCSI chip you're thinking of is, I believe, the NCR 5380. Another
> very popular device.
Whoops! You're right... typo. I should know better - we used the Z8530
in our COMBOARDs. The NCR 5380 is in the Mac Plus, some Amiga boards,
old Suns, etc.
I've written code for both, probably why I swapped the numbers.
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Received on Wed Feb 13 2002 - 20:16:00 GMT