Hubbell twist-lock connectors

From: Robert Schaefer <>
Date: Thu Feb 14 05:56:29 2002

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tothwolf" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 08:12 PM
Subject: Re: Hubbell twist-lock connectors

> On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Robert Schaefer wrote:
> > s/almost// The green dot is part of what makes it `Hospital Grade'
> > (The Code now specifies a Hospital Grade MC cable too-- can you guess
> > the difference between it and `regular' MC?) Red means a circuit on
> > the Legally Required Stand-by System (read `on the generator').
> I would hope that they would be on some sort of system that keeps the
> voltage constant during the transfer from utility to generator power too.

I don't know. I do know that the IV pumps are battery units, and only the
charger plugs in. I've spent too much time in Hospitals lately, I guess!

> > Isolated ground recpts will have a green triangle on them, but are not
> > necessarily orange in color, all the ones in the upstairs of my house
> > are white. If I tried to install orange recpts anywhere but the
> > basement/garage, my wife would have killed me!
> I thought they had an orange triangle on them? Many of the ones I've seen
> are that way. Maybe hospital grade isolated ground receptacles have a
> green triangle on them instead of an orange one?

I'm 99% sure it has to have a green dot to be hospital grade, and I'm 90%
sure it has to be a green triangle on it to meet Code requirements. That
said, I've seen and installed more than one with an orange triangle on it.
Kinda like calling it a Centronics port, I guess. ;)

> Why did you install isolated ground receptacles in your home? The only
> real application for them is when you have a metallic raceway (conduit)
> and want the ground return wire independent of that raceway. I haven't
> seen conduit in too many homes yet ;)

You haven't seen my house yet. FWIW, I'm in the middle of negotiations with
my boss about a 15KW nat. gas fired 480V 3P generator. I'm also thinking
about pricing a Technical Power transformer, to run some of my machines on.

What can I say? At least I'm not a burden on Society! ^_-

> -Toth

Received on Thu Feb 14 2002 - 05:56:29 GMT

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