That's a controller/riser card, I believe for either a 50Z or 70 - I've
tossed NUMEROUS cards like this in the past, they're just ESDI controller
extender interfaces for the HDD, or for the floppy drive. Real rare - I
probably have at least a dozen in my storage unit still besides what is the
machines I have - once I figure out what machie it's from. If it's the
machine I think it's from then the whole machine isn't worth their asking
price for the board. It's not for the SCSI based machines I don't think.
=> -----Original Message-----
=> From:
=> []On Behalf Of Chad Fernandez
=> Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2002 2:39 AM
=> To: Classic Computers
=> Subject: _at__at_Rare@@Look@@ you can't pass this up!!!! :-)
=> Silly isn't it :-)
=> Chad Fernandez
=> Michigan, USA
Received on Thu Feb 14 2002 - 08:36:37 GMT