> ----------
> From: Doc
> On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Sellam Ismail wrote:
> > DDS-2 and DDS-3 use physically different media. I don't know how this
> > figures if the standards are all supposed to be backward compatible.
> Actually, DDS and DDS2 different media, but not as in
> different form factors. IIRC, DDS1 is 90m, DDS2 is 120m, and DDS3 is
> also 120m. They have and identifier embedded in the media that tells
> the drive which DDS the tape is. I know for sure that a DDS1 drive will
> simply spit out a DDS2 or DDS3 tape, and I think that holds true up the
> line.
> A DDS2 drive will read DDS1 archives, and write a DDS1 tape in DDS1
> format. I dunno about DDS3. Every shop I've worked with who used DDS3
> drives used DDS3 tapes exclusively.
> Doc
DDS3 is 125m. Have one right here :) DDS3 drives work fine with DDS2
tapes, under NT4 and VMS. That's the size combination we're using here at
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- mailto:david.woyciesjes_at_yale.edu
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 90581
Mac OS X 10.1.2 - Darwin Kernel Version 5.2: Fri Dec 7 21:39:35 PST 2001
Running since 01/22/2002 without a crash
Received on Thu Feb 14 2002 - 09:53:21 GMT