OT: cleaning pots on my vintage audio amp

From: Chad Fernandez <fernande_at_internet1.net>
Date: Sun Feb 17 23:37:07 2002

Glen Goodwin wrote:
> In England, I expect ;>)

Haha :-)

> Chad --
> I smoke, and although it has never bothered my computers the smoke bugs the
> shit out of my audio gear. Every couple of months I take my main amp and
> mixer apart and spray a lot of plain old tuner cleaner

Tuner cleaner? Okay, I'll look for it at Radio Shack. I don't know
else where to look around here.

> into the switches
> and pots. Then I pull *all* the plugs and spray tuner cleaner all over
> them and into *all* the jacks.

Your speaking of the line level connections? Mine were oxidizing a
bit. I tried using very fine steel wool (oooo, I think). I'm not sure
why that started. Maybe the amp was kept in a damp area before I got
it? I've wondered about dissimilar metals, too. My RCA cables are gold
plated, or quite possibly gold colored, and the connectors on the amp
are silverish colored. I'd like to use better than entry level Monster
Cable patch cables, but it's something that I want to research before I
spend more money.

> Then I wiggle everything around a lot and
> the problems go away -- for a couple of months. BTW I probably don't need
> to tell you this but make sure the fluid has evaporated before powering
> anything up.

What for? :-)

I for got how heavy this monster is..... it's got to be about 40 lbs!!

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Received on Sun Feb 17 2002 - 23:37:07 GMT

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