Protec PRO-83 Computer - More Info

From: Robert Collier <>
Date: Mon Feb 18 12:12:31 2002

>But, if it's the same Protec in Quebec who did indeed
>make Z80 SBCs in the old days before they specialized in KVMs, they're
>still very much alive; why not try a phone call or e-mail.

I actually sent a few emails to them already (6, I believe). They only ever
answered 1 of them (the 2nd) to tell me that they didn't make personal
computers. I replied and told them the machine was made by a Protec
Microsystems Inc. in the 80's and I sent them a picture of it. They have yet
to respond. Hmmm... Maybe when they talk about providing unlimited post sale
support, they don't mean items that are 20 years old! :)

The only remaining option I can see is to keep posting until someone
recognizes the name. Thanks for the advice anyway.


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Received on Mon Feb 18 2002 - 12:12:31 GMT

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