Programmeren van de 6502

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Mon Feb 18 15:05:43 2002

--- Richard Erlacher <> wrote:
> I've got the English translation of this book, and, frankly, I can't
> recommend it. Now, I haven't looked at it since back in the very
> early '80's when it was a new publication, but that's because what I saw
> wasn't terribly good or useful.
> That may explain why there's such limited interest.

I remember wanting a copy back in the old days. Having since gotten
one, I would tend to agree. I would never consider giving it and no
other resource to a 6502 newbie and telling them that they'll be fine
(unlike, say, a copy of K&R to learn C by).

It's interesting to me more for its historical context than as an
actively useful book. It was an interesting read for me only because
I could compare what was in there with what I learned hands-on with
the PET and VIC-20 and C-64 and Apple ][, et al.

To reiterate: OK to add to an existing 6502 documentation collection,
not OK to rely on as a primary source of information.


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Received on Mon Feb 18 2002 - 15:05:43 GMT

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