>I'd not thought of there being a con trick where you return an
>essentially worthless box full of junk for resale (I assume that's what
>happened here). I check the contents of boxes in case the manufacturer
>made a genuine mistake.
And sometimes the manufacturer DOES make mistakes, or at least have
packing mishaps.
I bought a VCR from PC Richards (actually 6 identical ones, don't
ask...). All were fine, except for one... it looked like a car that had
been wrapped around a tree. The entire front of the VCR was smashed, and
obviously against some round object. The front was rolled back almost
halfway thru the VCR... it was actually quiet funny (and I am bummed I
didn't think of taking a picture).
The box was in perfect condition, and so was the styrofoam shell. Which
means the damage occured BEFORE being boxed (with this degree of damage,
I would think it would have been caught in packaging... so it might have
been deliberate from a disgruntled employee).
Fortunatly, the staff at PC Richards got as much of a laugh about the
damage as I did... and didn't hesitate to allow me to exchange it for
another identical unit (but only after calling almost every sales person
over to take a look at it)
Ever since then, right before a store sticks that "you opened the box"
sticker on it... I slice the boxes open, and give a quick look over what
I just bought. (And since then, the local PC Richard has started opening
all electronics and showing them to the customer before they leave... I
think that was probably just coincidental timing of a company policy
however... I can't believe my $60 VCR had any sweeping effects on store
Received on Mon Feb 18 2002 - 22:38:12 GMT