I know HP Cxxx boxes aren't strictly speaking classic, but they will
be one day and peeps on here are likely to know the answer :-).
I've got an HP C180 and want to fit some more drives, but I'm short of
the plastic rails you use to fit them.
The easy question is, "does anyone have any spare rails they can sell
me," so I'll ask it anyway but I'm not expecting a yes <grin>. I suspect
these things are like hens' teeth, and HP no longer make them apparently.
So, plan B was to make some myself. I haven't examined one in detail
yet, but making a mould should be pretty simple - all I need is some
molten plastic and Bob's my uncle... Of course, I haven't ever actually
tried anything like this <grin>.
Anyone have any recommendations - am I mad to even try this? If not,
I'll be after a thermoplastic with a reasonably low melting point (got
to be able to melt it on a domestic gas hob![1],) which is easy to handle
and sets to a flexible solid (plastic tie-wrap kind of thing.) Is this
sort of stuff available to a 'consumer' in a suitable form (eg. chips
or powder?)
Plan C involves Velcro, but the HP's are so nicely put together it
seems a crime to do too much of a botch job :-).
[1] Or using my trusty gas soldering iron/blow torch...
Tim Walls at home in Croydon - Reply to tim_at_snowgoons.fsnet.co.uk
Received on Tue Feb 19 2002 - 06:42:20 GMT