OT Quad audio amps (was: cleaning pots on my vintage audio amp)

From: Chad Fernandez <fernande_at_internet1.net>
Date: Wed Feb 20 00:37:24 2002

Glen Goodwin wrote:
> I use 'em when I'm recording overdubs, and also when my wife is asleep ;>)

I don't do any recording, although, I do have some very old records that
I've thought about copying to CD. I don't have a turn table that would
be handy, However :-(

> [re fisher 404]
> It's pretty plain-looking -- just a box with some knobs and sliders, and a
> joystick in the middle.

What's the Joystick for?

> We don't use it for quad at the present -- we have
> a pair of Bose 501s hung off it, and the sound is great, although you
> couldn't tell by looking at it ;>) Some day I'll convince Deb that we
> should make use of the quad and buy (or build) four new cabinets, and I'll
> move the 501s to my studio :>)

In order to really use it, you have to be playing a Quadraphonic
recorded record right? LP's were it back then, right?

Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Received on Wed Feb 20 2002 - 00:37:24 GMT

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