MCM Electronics, amongst others, carries various clutch felts. I don't thik
it's so much the thickness as the density and possibly some sort of additive
to make them stiff.
=> -----Original Message-----
=> >There are also sets of felt washers available to
=> >be used to rebuild worn-out VCR clutches if it's that type of
=> device. Or
=> >can you do the old kludgers trick of turning the friction
=> washer over or
=> >something?
=> They are felt clutches... and I tried rebuilding them with new felts...
=> no luck... I couldn't seem to get it exactly right (never found exactly
=> the right thickness). It always ended up either too little friction and
=> it ate the tape, or too much friction and it stretched the tape.
Received on Thu Feb 21 2002 - 07:00:03 GMT
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