>Jay West wrote:
> I have noticed a few pieces of spam lately on the list. Our mail server
> checks all the normal relaying databases, so that has kept most of the
> out for ages. However, now a few have trickled in and it bugs me a bit.
> the past it has been suggested that the list be closed - ie. only
> subscribers could post to the list. I have always avoided that because
> fairly frequently someone will post from a non-subscriber that they have
> equipment available, and I don't want to take that opportunity away from
> list. I see two options:
> 1) I can close the list from non-subscriber posts
> or perhaps
> 2) I can require non-subscriber posts be approved before I send them to
> list
> I would prefer to do number 2 above. However, this does give me the
> to occasionally see available equipment before the rest of the list. Of
> course I wouldn't abuse this, but - I don't even want that perception.
> So.... advice please?
> Regards,
> Jay Wests
Frankly, I'm getting tired of the off topic posts, the spam, and the other
trivial BS that is being posted. IMHO, the list should be moderated. If that
means that you'd have first shot at some really cool gear... So be it.
That's one of the reward's for hosting the list.
My $.02
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Received on Thu Feb 21 2002 - 09:40:03 GMT