This is funny (ebay)

From: Fred Cisin <>
Date: Sat Feb 23 13:40:09 2002

> >Are you saying that paying $9 for that
> >cable is a "good deal" where you are?

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Jeff Hellige wrote:
> If I was in need of it, yes. Any type of external SCSI cable
> bought locally will likely cost more than that, especially the newer
> types. If you're able to find them used at thrift stores or whatnot,
> that's fine, but it's my experience that you rarely find much SCSI
> anything at thrift stores. At least in the areas I've frequented.
> You can also go to the sellers at the big computer shows and maybe
> pay less than that but it will cost you $5 or so to get into the show
> so it doesn't make much sense to go just to buy that cable.

Oh, where were y'all when I was closing my office?
I would gladly have taken far less than that each for cubic yards of

At VCF (reasonable admission) and at Foothill (free admission), nobody
even looked at the bins of cables that we had at $1 each. That DID
include several cables like that one, although they had only been used for
connecting external SCSI CD-ROM drives to PC SCSI cards - never tried to
use them for serial.

Grumpy Ol' Fred
Received on Sat Feb 23 2002 - 13:40:09 GMT

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