>Frankly, I don't find it funny, but I do find it a good buy. $3 (buy-it-now)
>for a DB25<=>SCSI adapter cable is a pretty good buy if you need one.
Without knowing the quality of the cable... it actually is NOT a very
good buy. Yes, the price for the cable is great, but you also need to
factor in $6 shipping. That makes it $9 total... I can buy cheap ones of
these NEW at my local CompUSA for $12... so $3 more gets you a brand new
one guarenteed to work (or at least can be returned when it doesn't).
Of course, that is for a cheap one... which tend to not be reliable in
their own right. If you are looking for a good quality one, prices start
at $25 and up (and if the ebay'd one is good quality, then it would be a
great price... but there is no clue who makes it, or how beat up it is)
Received on Sat Feb 23 2002 - 13:13:48 GMT