This is funny (ebay)

From: Doc <>
Date: Sat Feb 23 17:09:24 2002

On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Richard Erlacher wrote:

> If you ship via USPS Priority Mail, they'll give you a box for free and lend
> you the pen to write the address on it. Since a cable isn't easy to break,
> you won't be needing Sunday's paper for padding. Unfortunately, they don't
> pick up, but they're both cheaper and faster than UPS.

  Yup. For small items, USPS is my choice. But even with a free box &
label, if you count bookkeeping and trip time, actual shipping plus
$5.10 handling ain't even close to minimum wage.
  And on the buyers' side, $9 shipping is about what it would cost me in
time & gas to drive around and get one.
  Unless the seller is obviously a business, I just don't see total S&H
of under $10 as being excessive if the item is bigger than a couple of

Received on Sat Feb 23 2002 - 17:09:24 GMT

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