Packing suggestions (was Re: PDP11 Redux, or Behind-The-ScenesBull)
I see. In this case only one bag was used, the bag that the monitor was
in. It was a very heavy bag, However. It probably wasn't a garbage
bag, but something commercial.
Chad Fernandez
Michigan, USA
Doc wrote:
> On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Chad Fernandez wrote:
> > I had a guy ship a IBM 6091-19 monitor to me that way. I had a tough
> > time cleaning the screen afterwards. He used a good heavy garbage bag,
> > but the foam must have slightly attacked the plastic. When I opened it,
> > the screen had the print of the wadded up garbage bag on it. I
> > eventually did clean it off. I think I finally removed the last of it
> > with acetone then used RainX to finish it off. I of course had the
> > plastic case removed.
> I've never seen that happen, but the first thing we do is bag and seal
> the shipped item, and the foam is contained in yet another bag. Plain
> old white "Glad" kitchen garbage bags, to be specific.
> Doc
Received on Sun Feb 24 2002 - 00:25:01 GMT
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