--- "Zane H. Healy" <healyzh_at_aracnet.com> wrote:
> Personally if I was going to have one OpenVMS system I'd be more
> interested in an Alpha though. My DEC PWS 433au is the size of a
> smallish x86 tower, and it rocks!
I'm a long-time VMS user, and I have an Alpha - a Noname AXPpci133
board I got many years ago that was at one time the fastest computer
in my house. I have a flavor of *BSD on it because I didn't know how
to bring it up from install media when I got it (3+ years ago) and
the BSD that's on it was available as a 400MB disk image... I dropped
an ST1480 on a Sun, "gzip | dd..." and I had a bootable Alpha disk.
Did the guy doing the OpenVMS port to the AXPpci133 ever get it working
enough to use?
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Received on Mon Feb 25 2002 - 14:58:08 GMT