--- Doc <doc_at_mdrconsult.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> >
> > Did the guy doing the OpenVMS port to the AXPpci133 ever get it working
> > enough to use?
> I've sort of been wondering, since we're on AXP anyway, is anybody at
> all still running Tru64 or NT on Alpha?
I never had Tru64 media. I do have NT 3.51 media for Alpha, but I've
never been interested in allocating a pile of brain cells to learn it
when I have other uses I'd rather put that much grey matter to.
> Everyone I know who owns AXP runs either *BSD or Linux or OpenVMS,
> including me. NetBSD flat screams on the LX164.
Nothing screamed on my AXPpci133 until I found enough old cache chips
that the board liked. There's a list of "approved vendors" for those
cache chips... they aren't kidding... I had to try parts from four or
five old 486 motherboards to get a set of cache SRAMs that would let
the Alpha boot. Much happier now. Wish I had 1MB, but 256MB is lots
better than nothing. Can't complain, though. 4 or so years ago, I got
the board and a 166MHz CPU chip, no RAM, no cache, for $80. The RAM
was about $1/meg, a few at a time from Dayton. The cache was free,
eventually. I haven't done much with it, beyond get it up and running.
I don't think I even got a NIC working in it. I bought a real DEC
10BaseT NIC (DE405?) at Dayton, but I think I left it and the rest of
the stuff in that plastic bag on a vendor's table.
Until I have a pressing need for 64 bits, I will probably keep this
box at a low priority, but if any of the PDP-10 emulators would
rather be on a medium to slow-speed 64-bit machine rather than on a
medium to fast 32-bit machine, I might dust it off. I just don't see
where it's anything besides cool for the sake of cool right now.
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Received on Mon Feb 25 2002 - 16:42:28 GMT