Rush! ( was: RE: Once in a Lifetime, Twice in Forever)

From: David Woyciesjes <>
Date: Mon Feb 25 11:53:20 2002

> From: John Allain
> > For the others of us who may also lead sheltered
> > lives, he's the lead vocal and Bass for Rush, the
> > rock band.
> 'Rush' is for up-tempo rock, Great programming music.
> "Power Windows" is a good album to start with.
> Their lyrics are written by the drummer, if that's any
> indication.
> This may not help my argument here, but the cover art
> from PW was used on one of those High Falutin' think
> tank magazines recently, Wilson Quarterly IIRC, even
> though the album was made nearly 20 years ago.
> John A.
	Hmmm... Being quite the Rush fan (waiting for them to finish the
albumn, and come around on tour!), I have to politely disagree with the
Power Windows recommendation. My suggestion is to buy the Chronicles 2 CD
set. It's probably on tape too, maybe even vinyl! You should be able to find
it used. It covers Rush's first 20 years, and the style changes they've went
	If not that, I would recommend Rush (first albumn) for good classic
rock, or Roll The Bones and Test For Echo for more modern rock.
---   David A Woyciesjes
---   C & IS Support Specialist
---   Yale University Press
---   (203) 432-0953
---   ICQ # - 90581
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Received on Mon Feb 25 2002 - 11:53:20 GMT

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