Magnetic media and mold cleanup

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Tue Feb 26 07:46:59 2002

> > For floppies, I just break 'em open any way I can,
> > and then use bare, clean hands with dish detergent.
> > Let dry on a lint-free rag and you're through.
> Jerome Fine replies:
> I am trying to recover some files from an DEC RX02 (8" SSDD)
> floppy. After you clean the media, how do you put it back into
> the drive?

Using a brand-new donor diskette, which gets the same Xacto-
knife treatment, I put the cleaned media in the new shell,
and with one or two carefully-placed drops of cyanoacrylate,
you have a reconstructed floppy.

> I have one floppy that has over 100 error blocks (can't be read)
> out of 988. Others have just a few. Is it possible to only spot clean
> the ones with a few errors without removing the jacket?

Dunno- let us know!
> Will Formula 409 work with floppy media? Where
> can it be purchased?

Oh, it's a common household cleaner here in the U.S... a
comparable cleaner is Fantastik.

Received on Tue Feb 26 2002 - 07:46:59 GMT

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