--- Ahh, you should've made it to their last show, the Test For Echo tour, "An Evening With Rush". They played all 20 minutes of 2112, the first time in about 20 years. And a lot of other classic Rush tunes as well. For those who don't know, 2112 is a Sci-Fi type story song, well, more of a composition I think. Normally, in concert, they play only about 5 minutes of it, since the opening act takes up some time in the night. This last tour, however, there was no opening act... Freeing up another 1 1/2 hours for Rush... --- David A Woyciesjes --- C & IS Support Specialist --- Yale University Press --- mailto:david.woyciesjes_at_yale.edu --- (203) 432-0953 --- ICQ # - 90581 Mac OS X 10.1.2 - Darwin Kernel Version 5.2: Fri Dec 7 21:39:35 PST 2001 Running since 01/22/2002 without a crashReceived on Tue Feb 26 2002 - 09:20:02 GMT
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