On 2002.02.27 05:04 Gunther Schadow wrote:
> I have the UDA50 manual
Do you have a scanner? ;-)
> (BTW: anyone have a UDA50?)
Aha. The 11/780 demands its tribute. ;-)
> I would assume that peeking into the Ultrix 4.2
> source code could be of great help.
This may lead to serious copyright problems, even with a "cleanroom
reverse engineering approach". I think BSD has suffered enough from such
problems. Additionaly Ultrix may be that different, that it may be
easier to write somthing new from scratch, than port ancient Ultrix code
to NetBSD.
> But I heard someone was working on getting Ultrix
> to be open source, in which case one could port massive amounts
> of DEC hardware support over, including XMI.
If "open source" == "BSD licence" this would be a really big help.
> However, I thought that NetBSD already supports RA disks, so,
> the MSCP protocol should be there.
Yes. NetBSD has already MSCP drivers. But guessing a bus protocol on
bais of a device driver is somewhat painful. Also guessing is no good
bais for new code. But reading a tech. man. _and_ existing code is very
effective. (One of the lessons I learned while writing the RX01/02
driver. :-) )
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 02:51:06 GMT