> For those who don't know, 2112 is a Sci-Fi type story song
>Yes. They got the idea for it from an Ayn Rand book.
Neil Peart got it from "Anthem." A lot of his lyrics are inspired by Rand.....
I remember reading an early interview with Geddy and he was talking about auditioning drummers after Rutsey left. He said Peart came in, and while they were impressed with his drumming abilities, they were also thinking, "Hey! This guy can READ!"
That little fact also blew away my one high school English teacher...I had just gotten into Rush at that point, a fact which just boggled the minds of the stoners in school because Paul, the science-club-president, ham-radio-operator, A/V nerd had more Rush albums than they did....anyway, I knew my one teacher would really get into Peart's lyrics. I lent her AFWTK and Hemispheres, and she took 'em home to listen. She said that while she didn't care for the music that much, she was really impressed by Peart's writing. Really threw her when I told her that the drummer wrote the lyrics....
One day, during class, one of the stoners had somehow thrown out a Rush lyric during a discussion. The teacher said, "Oh! That's from "A Farewell To Kings" from Rush, isn't it?"
If I had only had my camera with me....the look on his face was timeless.
On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, David Woyciesjes wrote:
> Ahh, you should've made it to their last show, the Test For Echo tour,
> "An Evening With Rush". They played all 20 minutes of 2112, the first
> time in about 20 years. And a lot of other classic Rush tunes as well.
Well, first let me apologize for the off-topic post, but I simply *must*
respond. Please forgive me.
Rush is tied with Dream Theater (a Rush-influenced group) as my favorite
band. I'm young enough to never have been at a Rush show, but I *will* be
at at least one show on this upcoming tour, since it may be their last.
Since it seems that there are some other Rush fans here, let me throw out
this link:
That's an online petition to communicate fans' desire to hear some
rarities in the set list. They have a list of songs that have not beel
played live for at least a decade, and you get to vote for 5 of them.
The final results will be submitted to Rush's record company when the new
album is released. If you are a Rush fan, it is your _duty_ to go sign
the petition now!
> For those who don't know, 2112 is a Sci-Fi type story song
Yes. They got the idea for it from an Ayn Rand book.
Jeffrey S. Sharp
Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 09:26:20 GMT