DSSI support for NetBSD: request for docs.

From: Jochen Kunz <jkunz_at_unixag-kl.fh-kl.de>
Date: Wed Feb 27 14:01:37 2002

On 2002.02.27 18:09 Roar Thron?s wrote:

> But if you have to talk SCA/SCS with the DSSI-devices, that might be a
> problem, since SCA/SCS is not published, and no implementations are
> available.
> (The Ultrix implementation may be closest, even though it is limited)
> Look at
> http://minnie.tuhs.org/Quasijarus/vaxhw/mscp_clu.html
> (This was written by Sokolov; feel free to correct it)
Aha. Now I get a more deeper view into this whole mess and it leads me
to the frustrating conclusion: _Proper_ DSSI / CI support requires
detaild documentation about SCA. As this seams to be unavailable, the
whole project stopes right here. :-(((

Maybe it will be possible to implement a "pragmatic approach", read: A
ugly and evil hack. This is truely not the (Net)BSD way of life,
nevertheless worth a thought (probably).

DSSI and CI are just two physical transport methods for SCA (Systems
Communication Architecture). In fact the SHAC is mainly a CI adapter on
a chip, i.e. if we get DSSI support, we will have CI support as well.
This is no simple thing.
Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Wed Feb 27 2002 - 14:01:37 GMT

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