Reply to: RE: Rush! ( was: RE: Once in a Lifetime, Twice in Forever)

From: Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner <>
Date: Thu Feb 28 00:42:37 2002

It was thus said that the Great Glen Goodwin once stated:
> Also reminds me of "programmers" who can "write code" but seem unable to
> read other people's code. Has anyone else had this experience? I run into
> this sort of person all the time . . .

  I'm one of those programmers. I have a real hard time following (the
often convoluted) code of other programmers. Given enough time and an
understanding of the syntax of the language (for instance, Perl *still*
looks like line noise to me) I can fathom what a piece of code is attempting
to do.

  I also find it easier to follow assembly code; the higher the code the
harder I find it is to follow for some reason.

  -spc (My own code is of course, crystal clear 8-)
Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 00:42:37 GMT

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