--- "John R. Keys Jr." <jrkeys_at_concentric.net> wrote:
> 4. Apple PowerPC 8100/80 tower traded 4 empty PC cases for it.
I used an 8100/80AV for quite a while... not mine (I wish), but it
was in the help desk office down the hall from me and available for
open use. We did a lot of CuSeeMe chats in 1995/1996, including
an EarthDay thing in 1995. Even met Tim Leary via it (got the screenshot).
> 5. digital VT 420 - 2 for $1 each
> 6. digital VT 520 - 2 for $1 each
Nice. I haven't seen a terminal for sale around here in a long
while. My terminal farm is all older stuff - VT220, VT241, VT105,
VT103, VT52, VT55... I wouldn't mind a newer terminal (VT320 and
up), but with shipping costs and all, I'd like to find one in Ohio.
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Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 02:29:24 GMT