Windows 3.1 DDK

From: Julius Sridhar <>
Date: Thu Feb 28 17:23:41 2002

On Thu, 28 Feb 2002, Jerome Fine wrote:

> > > > Does anyone have the Windows 3.1 DDK (device driver deveopment kit)?
> > > > I'm looking for it to do some spleunking of Win3.1 kernel code. I
> > > > already have the SDK, but I need the DDK.
> > > I'd like to find a DDK myself, and I too also already have the SDK. Was
> > > the DDK an add-on for the SDK or was it standalone? Does anyone remember
> > > what was required to develop applications for the win32s add-on for
> > > 3.1/3.11?
> > This DDK can be found on the "platform archive" for MSDN (or at least it is
> > there on the most recent version I have which is about 18 months old now).
> > Same CD has the last version of Visual C++ that supported 16 bit devt.
> Do you have the exact URL address? These things can be hard to find!
> I have found I am starting to use a DOS window a lot of the time in Windows98.
> I once used a program called NDE (Norton's DOS Editor) which was a
> that saved all commands in a stack and did a few other things. Effectively,
> it was a TSR in DOS and acted identically to the Single Line Editor (SL:)
> in RT-11. I will eventually rescue it from an old 286 I have around. Has
> anyone ever used this in a Windows98 environment?

Why not use DOSKEY?

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 17:23:41 GMT

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