> Good luck finding manuals for the POWER or POWER2 (or POWER3 or POWER3-II
> or POWER3-III or POWER3-IV or POWER4). IBM considers them trade secret.
> You will be able to find manuals for ROMP fairly easily, though, and that
> is more "early 90's" than POWER.
Look for IBM publication SA23-2619 "RISC System/6000 Technology". This
1/2 inch think book is mostly marketting material, but with an extremely
technical edge. It covers the first POWER architecture and its relation
to AIX. While it does not have pinouts, electric charateristics, and
other super detail, it does have block diagrams and crude timing diagrams
- enough that it pretty much shows how the POWER chipset works. It even
has nice color pictures of the dies.
This book is not IBM classified in any way, interestingly.
William Donzelli
Received on Thu Feb 28 2002 - 13:30:17 GMT
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