Magnetic media and mold cleanup

From: Douglas Quebbeman <>
Date: Fri Feb 22 08:34:03 2002

> Does anyone know of a way to remove the mold that won't damage the
> magnetic media? Also, does anyone remember the trick to opening the
> shutter on these 8" cartridges?

For floppies, I just break 'em open any way I can,
and then use bare, clean hands with dish detergent.
Let dry on a lint-free rag and you're through.

For 9-track magtapes that had either mold or
lichens growing (after a flood), I unspooled
and manually cleaned about 100 feet of the tape
using Formula 409.

The tape was subsequently readable, recovering
100% of the data and programs on the last night
my Prime was still operational; however, I was
using my previously-discussed "wet read" technique.

Received on Fri Feb 22 2002 - 08:34:03 GMT

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