On Jan 3, 13:12, Christopher Smith wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Fred Cisin (XenoSoft) [mailto:cisin_at_xenosoft.com]
> > The "standard linux floppy disk driver" will operate the
> > Catweasel card?
> > (It is NOT a floppy disk controller in terms of BIOS level
> > interaction.)
> I was under the impression that it would drive a catweasel card. I was
not aware that the card was significantly different than other (normal
peesee) floppy interfaces, though, so perhaps I got the wrong idea from
As far as I was able to determine, when I looked into this in the autumn,
the only support for the Catweasel under Linux is via a special driver
called cwfloppy, NOT the normal floppy driver. This works with Amiga disks
(and has limited MS-DOS support) only, and only for the ISA version on x86
and Alpha machines. Quote from the Catweasel page, ISA version section:
'Writing to disks is only possible under Linux at the moment. The
drivers are not designed to be easy-to-use. Instead, they are tools
"for-freaks-only". You can read disk images from the formats listed
above, and single files can be copied from Amiga, PC and C-64 disks.'
If you look at the driver homepage, it doesn't even mention C-64 or disk
images. There are some additional utilities to allow it to do things with
TRS80 disks, though.
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York
Received on Thu Jan 03 2002 - 15:43:03 GMT