>The 2 things I can't really identify are a Panasonic Easa-Phone,
>KX-T1225 which seems to be a speed-dialer of some sort.
Grey box with 4 columns of buttons (something like 10 or 15 rows), and
two RJ jacks at the top (RJ45 and RJ11?).
If that is what you have, then it sounds like these old PBX speed dialers
I had (probably not, but just in case, here goes)... IIRC mine said
Panasonic Easa-Phone on them too. The ones I had, I think could only be
plugged into the old Bell PBX they were used with. They didn't work on
POTS lines. They had a 50 pin "Blue Ribbon" (WOOHOO... now that I know
the name, I can use it correctly) to 5 RJ12 adaptor that was plugged into
the 25 pair telco cable. It used an RJ12 to RJ45 adaptor cable to plug
into the Telco adaptor. And then the RJ11 jack on the dialer was used to
hook up to a speaker/mic box (a la Charlie's Angels desktop speaker phone
I might still have one kicking around, but I don't think I have any
manuals (don't recall ever having manuals).
Received on Fri Jan 04 2002 - 22:29:55 GMT