Toshiba T3200SX Question

From: <(>
Date: Sat Jan 5 00:19:48 2002

On Fri, 4 Jan 2002 wrote:

>I've never seen a lithium battery leak from old age. I have some sitting
>around that were made in the mid '80s. I'll make a note to avoid this
>particular brand if I can help it. Does the motor still turn? It may just
>need to be cleaned up.

It think the battery must have gassed as well. There is evidence of bad
corrosion to zinc plated parts two to three inches from the battery.
Aluminium and copper parts seem to be OK.

The head stepper motor still works but is badly corroded on the outside.
I will have to remove it to clean it properly and then re-align with a known
good floppy.

>> Before I get around to cleaning the boards I will need to figure out how to
>> disconnect the display. The connecting cables are hardwired to the main
>> board :-(

>Are they soldered? Do they use flat plastic or standard ribbon cable?

Standard twisted pair ribbon cable terminated with a 26 way 0.1in pitch
IDC transition connector which is soldered to the board. I will probably
cut the cable and remove the connector (one pin at a time) and replace
with a standard IDC plug and socket.

I can't understand why they didn't do this in the first place, there is enough
room to fit both a plug and socket. Also, the display power cable has no
connector fitted.

BTW, I worked with a guy who accidentally recharged an AA sized Lithium
battery. It left shrapnel in the wall and he is still slighty deaf in one ear.

It lef
Received on Sat Jan 05 2002 - 00:19:48 GMT

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