Language and English

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Sat Jan 5 06:33:12 2002

see below, plz.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris" <>
To: "Classic Computers" <>
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: Language and English

> >Chris, nobody would beat you up for trying to improve himself. Having a
> >weaknesses is one thing. Defending them is another. Blaming someone else
> >for you having them is worse yet.
> I'm not trying to defend lazy writing skills. I'm not directly trying to
> blame others either (although, I think a chunk of initial poor writing
> skills of any kind can be pinned back to improper or poor education. You
> can't fault the student, if the teachers failed to teach the right thing).
> >I'll repeat: Make it easy for them to see what you mean in what you write
> >taking a little extra care. It's important. Learn to do it well.
> I agree 100%... but do you mean to say that EVERYONE that uses email has
> an IQ over 120, and can be expected to master writing skills? Granted,
> chances are if you are on THIS list, you might be above average, but I am
> talking more in general (as I am sure some of the correction offenders do
> this in more places than here)
No. First of all, anyone with an IQ above about 75 should have no trouble at
all with today's email tools. Secondly, anyone with an IQ at or about 75 can
get through the present education system with straight A's if he shows up for
class and does the assigned work.

> >It's never too late to improve, but YOU have to do it, else it won't
> No, it isn't too late, but there comes a time when improvement will stop,
> because a person can do no better. Or, improvement will stop, because the
> person logically chooses to attempt to do no better, because they have
> achieved a level that is "good enough", and their time can be better
> spent on other things. (ie: read Strunk and White, or better your job
> skills)
Yes, improvement will stop when you stop trying to improve.
> I am not trying to defend myself, or say that any of this is about me. I
> want to make that clear... other than poor spelling, I am unaware of any
> serious language infractions I have ever committed on this list... and
> when writing anything other than email, I personally rely heavily on
> spell and grammar checkers... specifically to avoid having my writing
> make me seem like an ass... I want the honor of making me an ass to be
> totally on WHAT I write, not HOW I write.
Unfortunately, that's not how it is. How you present yourself to the list
determines how (and whether) you'll be perceived. How you write determines
whether people will read it.
> I just want some of the hard core language nazi's to realize that
> sometimes, they should just let it go. If you can't understand what was
> written, delete it, ignore it, whatever. Friendly constructive criticism
> is fine... but do it in jest, don't be a dick about it (this isn't saying
> YOU are a dick about it, no pun intended Richard, just in general, PEOPLE
> should not make federal crimes out of it... well, at least not until it
> has spun so badly off topic that it has become interesting and fun in it
> own right, like this thread).
> So if you can't understand it because it is so poorly written, you might
> be better off just ignoring it or deleting it. And if you are the person
> that wrote that way, and no one responds, maybe you should consider
> following more traditional writing styles, and check your grammar and
> spelling. And for those that can't do that (English, or the language of
> the group, is not their first language, and their skills in general are
> poor), they should mention that up front.
Someone else pointed out that if you don't consider the list worth the effort
of writing well for it, there's no reason why the list readers should bother
with your writing. Does that make sense to you? The people who write for the
list but whose language skills in English are limited take quite a bit of
trouble to do the best they can. They don't make excuses or blame their
educational system. They DO THE WORK!
> I just don't think highly of people that quote an email specifically to
> point out writing errors in it. It has never convinced me of anything
> except that the quote corrector is an arrogant self righteous a-hole.
> However, if they were to be friendly about it, and do the correction in a
> tongue in cheek manner, then the original author would get the idea they
> should be more careful (and probably learn a few things), and the
> corrector would come off as being more friendly.
What you're saying to the readers of the list is, "You should read what I have
to say, though I'm not willing to make sure it's clearly or properly
presented." I find it hard to imagine that you could offer content that would
justify the effort, Chris.

Received on Sat Jan 05 2002 - 06:33:12 GMT

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