7/01/97 ClassicCmp FAQ - Part 1
Sorry about that. Forgot I was using that Stupid _at_#!@#%!@ MS Word
> I joined late summer of 97. I think I ran across it in comp.sys.cpm. In going
> back over my archives I had a giggle at some of the posts.
> One of them was a rant about one particular spammer by Sellam that he
> labelled "Son of Spamm" and his direct action solution.
> Lawrence
> ................................................................................
Thus sprang forth the Spaminator! The Spaminator is something I threw
together in about 10 minutes. What the Spaminator does is call the
offendor's number, wait for the voicemail to answer, dial a digit to cut
thru the outgoing message, then it starts singing simple tunes by playing
"spam" in different notes. I recorded a "spam" scale with my own voice.
Basically I sang "spam" starting from A and going to G.
I created 10 different song files, with simple tunes such as "Mary Had a
Little Spam", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Spam", "Happy Spamday", "We
Overcome (the spam)", "Jingle Spam", "Popeye the Sailor Spam", and a
others. The Spaminator randomly selects three spam tunes to play for
call. It plays the tunes, then hangs up and calls right back up again.
The Spaminator is currently running, filling up the spammers voicemail box
with spam tunes. Hopefully, it will fill up the voicemail box and they
won't be able to receive any other messages. Also, it will bring them
much anguish as they constantly try to delete these messages that don't
stop coming.
> > On Jan 5, 15:23, Marvin Johnston wrote:
> > > Tony Duell wrote:
> >
> > > > > With so much OT stuff going on, this FAQ might be interesting reading
> > > > > for some of the newer members of this listserver. And just for the
> > sake
> > > > > of curiosity, who has been on the list the longest? I joined sometime
> > > > > around June 5, 1997.
> >
> > Beats me by over half a year. According to my old mail archives, I
> > subscribed thus:
> >
> > From pete Thu Feb 26 01:01:17 1998
> > To: listproc_at_u.washington.edu
> > Reply-To: pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com
> > Status: OR
> >
> > subscribe CLASSICCMP pete_at_dunnington.u-net.com
> >
> > And two days later, in a private email to someone else, I concluded:
> >
> > (signed by Pete, still watching 60+ messages coming off his POP mbox :-( )
> >
> > It was a fairly busy list even then.
> >
> > > Just out of curiosity, how did you hear about the listserver? I found
> > > out about it when Bill posted something to alt.computers.cpm (or
> > > something like that.) It seems like quite a few people on this list were
> > > also active on that newsgroup at that time.
> >
> > I subscribed after seeing something on a newsgroup, and it was very likely
> > either comp.os.cpm or alt.folklore.computers. Other groups I read then were
> > mostly vmsnet.*, alt.sys.pdp*, alt.sys.perq, comp.sys.acorn.*, uk.telecom,
> > rec.pyrotechnics, a few other comp.sys groups, and the now-dead
> > alt.comp.hardware.homebuilt.
> >
> > --
> > Pete Peter Turnbull
> > Network Manager
> > University of York
> Reply to:
> lgwalker_at_mts.net
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