Reading PET tapes (was Re: Apple disk -> MSDOS)

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Wed Jan 9 17:21:34 2002

--- Sellam Ismail <> wrote:
> On Wed, 9 Jan 2002, Ethan Dicks wrote:
> > My X1541 cable also has a 6-pin C= cassette port on it. I have read
> > many PET tapes directly from DOS with a real C2N tape recorder.
> How is the cassette data read by the PC? Does it decode the audio?

Not audio (though there is an app that will decode .WAV files of PET
tapes). Someone wrote a DOS app that reads the parallel port bits
and converts them into a .T64 file directly. For alignment/phase,
there's a graphical mode that scrolls the data up the screen along
with "guard bands" that show where the app thinks a 0 and a 1 are.
You use the cursor keys to align the data from the tape drive and
the guard bands for optimal data parsing. Once you have an offset
from this process, you can use it as a command-line parameter for
bulk reading.

It works well enough, but I really wish the source were available (it
never seems to be for DOS programs, unlike Unix and Amiga software). I
have a small pile of PET Rabbit-format tapes that I want to extract from.
My BASIC 2.0 PET needs repair (keyboard problems), so I can't just read
the data and save it to disk. I have plenty of 8032s, but only one 2001
(got the 80-col PETs from university surplus for $10 a few years ago; we
got the 40-col, 32K PET when I was grade-school for $1175).



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Received on Wed Jan 09 2002 - 17:21:34 GMT

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