quest for pictures

From: Jeff Hellige <>
Date: Thu Jan 10 07:35:50 2002

>If you paid $500 for a Sony some time back
>you should consider getting something for $200
>now. Pick a name brand. You will be amazed
>at the improvement. 640x480=0.3 MPixels, that's
>3 to 7 times worse. You get what you pay for.

        Agreed. My point though was that for quick shots, such as
checking layouts without the time spent waiting for film or other
types of things that people would generally use a Polariod for, it's
a good deal. With one of the MMC cards, you also get quite a large
number of shots, approx. 300, without carting all the film around. I
imagine for serious work, my A-1 will do me for quite a while yet.

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