--- M H Stein <mhstein_at_usa.net> wrote:
> CBM -> PC isn't the problem; I've got a couple of CmC ADA IEEE-> S/P
> converters as well. The Cassette to Serial adapter sounds neat though.
I can't wait to buy one - I have a variety of C= machines, and it is
being designed to be *universal* - if your CBM has a 6-pin C2N-style
cassette port, it is supposed to work with your ROM-resident tape
> Getting from the Apple to the CBM is the problem; I think I've got
> software somewhere that'll connect the two cassette ports, but it'd take
> till next Xmas/Kwanzaa/Chanukah to find it.
I got the impression that's what you were going to do, but I didn't know
there was a specific program to do it. I do remember an article in an
old Compute! about reading ASCII BASIC tapes from an Apple into a PET -
there was an app provided in assembler to read the Apple format from a
C2N tape drive. You had to do a bit of work to tokenize the stream,
but that was the only hard part.
When a friend of mine and I needed to move data from the Apple to the C-64
years ago (the data file for an Infocom adventure), he had custom routines
to bit-bang the joystick port as 1200 baud serial - I made a cable to
tap into the user port on the C-64 and used its kernel routines. We both
did 6502 programming for a living, so it was trivial to port the receiver
app to the C= Would have been nice to have something Kermit-like back
in those days.
Either way, yes... Apple -> CBM is a bit tricky.
> Was just hoping there was a quick & easy direct way, but assuming Ernest
> is
> going to take the clone, I'm going to include it and ask him to transfer
> the file(s) &
> email them back to me since he does have serial capability.
> Thanks anyway, guys. Always interesting and often very informative &
> helpful.
> mike
> ------------------------Original Message----------------------
> Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 12:58:42 -0800 (PST)
> From: Ethan Dicks <erd_6502_at_yahoo.com>
> Subject: Re: Apple disk -> MSDOS
> - --- "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" <cisin_at_xenosoft.com> wrote:
> > > I think with a little software I could transfer it
> > > to one of my PETs via the cassette port, and from there
> > > it would be trivial to get to a PC...
> >
> > Really? The PC can't do PET disks, either. But you MIGHT be able to
> > interface one of the aftermarket IEEE488 drives to the Pet with some
> > trivial hardware, and then interface it to the PC, and just write a
> file
> > system for it.
> An XE1541 cable is an easy enough item to build. If you have a 4040
> or 2031 drive on your PET, you could hook a 1541 to the PC, the IEEE
> drive to the PET and sneaker-net stuff over.
> Marko Makela has a cool device that's about to hit the world - a cassette
> port dongle for all CBM machines that speaks to a "modern" machine over
> serial - you save to "cassette" from your PET, B500, C64, VIC-20,
> whatever,
> and run a virtual server on a serial line on a modern machine to scoop
> up the data. No funny software required on the CBM side. He has a
> prototype and pictures, but it's not quite available yet.
> I know there have been some projects to emulate an IEEE port from a
> PeeCee
> parallel port - enough to drive a 4040 floppy unit. If the software were
> there, it'd be easy enough to turn the PeeCee into a virtual disk drive.
> I think you could find the stuff already done. I don't think you'd have
> to roll your own code to do this.
> My X1541 cable also has a 6-pin C= cassette port on it. I have read
> many PET tapes directly from DOS with a real C2N tape recorder. It's
> not as reliable as floppies (especially if there's a head alignment
> problem), but it does work. Slow as molasses in January, though.
> Personally, the 170K floppy shuffle is the easiest way with the most
> common hardware. It does require that you have a couple of Commodore
> devices, but they aren't uncommon. Serial ports on PETs *are* (but I
> have a couple of IEEE<->RS-232 boxes from "TNW" and one ROM socket
> ACIA board. Still doesn't make them "common" though).
> - -ethan
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