Looking for Software/Documentation for a Definicon 68020 board (and / or another Definicon baord)

From: Bernd Kopriva <Bernd.Kopriva_at_t-online.de>
Date: Sat Jan 12 11:47:34 2002

some months ago, i got a Definicon 68020 co-processor board without any software and

Paul Santa-Maria send me some software, but i did not manage to get the board working ...
... maybe the software was not the correct one or the board is defect.

As i'm really interested in getting the board running, i'm asking again for any software / documentation.

Maybe someone can offer me another board (i'm especially interested in the NS32032 board as well)
at a reasonable price.


Bernd Kopriva Phone: ++49-7195-179452
Weilerstr. 24 E-Mail: bernd_at_kopriva.de
D-71397 Leutenbach
Received on Sat Jan 12 2002 - 11:47:34 GMT

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