On Sat, Jan 12, 2002 at 06:03:17PM -0600, Russ Blakeman wrote:
> In case anyone wants to take a loo it's item 1321506964 on ebay. Not the run
> of the mill junker either so if no one bids I'll keep it a few more years
> until all the junk P70's are gone - I've taken too good of care with this
> since I've had it.
I've got a pair of P70s here; one worked fine (but had a bad HD), one
I could never get to power up; I tried to swap the HD from one to the
other and they never powered up again. 8-(
Anybody want them for parts? Free for pickup; austin .tx.
Bill Bradford
Austin, TX
Received on Sat Jan 12 2002 - 20:26:04 GMT