Mac IIci

From: tim lindner <>
Date: Sun Jan 13 15:20:13 2002

> Pat Finnegan wrote:
>> I would say about a 386DX, and it'll do about 6MIPS max (one instruction
>> per four clock cycles on the 68030 IIRC from my Mac IIsi). (If desired)
>> you can put an older verions of MkLinux or linux-m68k on it (I used the
>> m68k Debian port).
> How about BSD? I'll probably use the Mac OS, but I wonder about other
> options.

I remember using BSD on my IIcx. Forget which one though.

tim lindner               
"Life. Don't talk to me about life." - Marvin, the android
Received on Sun Jan 13 2002 - 15:20:13 GMT

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