Compaq LTE 5000 series, slightly OT (was: Re: Xircom NICs (wa s RE: OT: DELL SUCKS! Re: .... ))
! > While not quite yet a classic, one of my more favorite
! > series of laptops is the Compaq LTE 5000. It supported
! > a total of 4 pcmcia cards when it was used with a
! > docking station. These were truly unique machines IMHO,
! > and set the standards for removable cdrom and floppy
! > drives in future laptop systems. I don't know of any
! > other manufacturer at the time who offered a
! > machine with similar features.
Sounds like my DockStation II for IBM Think Pads. That sucker was
big, and at least half made of metal. It added 2 more PCMCIA slots, 2 ISA
(or PCI) slots, included a special SCSI CD-ROM (Kodak Pkoto-CD compatible!),
a full size SCSI expansion bay, an high density 50-pin SCSI connector on the
back, stereo speakers, PS/2 mouse & KB connectors, printer, serial, video,
audio in/out, external floppy connector...
Works great with my 760EL...
--- David A Woyciesjes
--- C & IS Support Specialist
--- Yale University Press
--- (203) 432-0953
--- ICQ # - 905818
Received on Mon Jan 14 2002 - 10:19:25 GMT
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