Foonly F1

From: Bill Pechter <>
Date: Wed Jan 16 09:37:28 2002

> I wouldn't be surprised if the Foonly was involved in TRON.
> TRON was a Big project, costing over $18 million and involving
> no fewer than three CG companies. Information International Inc.
> was indeed one of the companies and July-1982 was the movie
> release. If the Foonly was at Triple-I before then, then its a
> good bet it was involved. I think one website said that III sold
> its Foonly in 1984 so theres a good chance of date overlap. There
> sure were other computers in it too, but the F1 may have been the
> most intriguing.
> John A.
> (Thanks to this List for mentioning the Foonly first.)

Was this the same Triple-I that did tape to Microfiche output devices?
This was back aroud the late 70's to early 80's I worked with one
at Bell and HowlThis was back aroud the late 70's to early 80's I
worked with one at Bell and Howell microphoto division while going to
school at DeVry Tech?

Received on Wed Jan 16 2002 - 09:37:28 GMT

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