> I am not sure if anyone has mentioned this site:
> http://www.eableseast.com
!ACK! sorry... that should be
> I did a search awile ago for 80-pin adaptors, and at $15 each, they were the
> cheapest I could find.
> Bryan
> P.S. I only found this site awhile ago. I haven't bought anything from them
> yet...
> >
> > >should fit into its canister. Another application is with a WIDE (68-pin,
> > >single-ended) controller I've been using.
> >
> > I've got a 9GB LVD drive with a SCA connector in my DEC PWS 433au by
> > converting it down to 68-pin with one of these adapters and setting the
> > jumpers on the drive to SE. Works great.
> >
> > >Has any of you had experience with this sort of thing to such extent that
> > >you'd care to recommend a specific adapter for the first application, and an
> > >adapter/terminator for the second?
> >
> > I'd say take a look at some place like http://www.scsistuff.com I'm sure
> > there are others, but that's the only one I know off the top of my head
> > (I've not ordered from them though). I bought my converter at a local
> > electronics parts store and payed about twice what I should have. It's
> > pretty basic, and you can also get ones that convert down to Narrow. I
> > wouldn't worry to much about the manufacturer for this.
> >
> > I'm not sure why you're worried about a terminator, but if you can't set
> > termination on the drive, you should be able to get a terminator that you
> > can clip onto the ribbon cable in one of the spots where you'd normally
> > plug a drive.
> >
Received on Thu Jan 17 2002 - 13:10:55 GMT