How much?

From: Eric Dittman <>
Date: Fri Jan 18 08:11:40 2002

> > That's about 155VUPs. The memory and CIXCD are high-cost
> > options, even on the used market. The 7650 itself is worth
> > about $8000 (including the XMI and BI). Add another $300
> > for the CIXCD (should be a -AC for the 7000 series), and
> > $1000 for the DEMFA (if the FDDI controller is XMI). The
> > memory is worth about $2000 (based on what a 2GB card for
> > the 7000 series cost). That brings a total of about $11300,
> > which all packaged should be about an even $11000.
> >
> > Of course, if you are getting this from a place that is
> > dumping it and not a reseller, you might be able to get
> > it for next to nothing, if they don't know what they have.
> I already own the system. I'm just seeing how much I should be asking for
> ballpark from a reseller. FYI, I paid $1300 for the whole shabang.

That was a good price. I don't know what a reseller will pay
you for it, since obviously they make their money by paying
less for the equipment than they charge.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at
Received on Fri Jan 18 2002 - 08:11:40 GMT

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