Security bits and screws

From: John Foust <>
Date: Sat Jan 19 13:38:50 2002

At 10:34 PM 1/18/2002 -0600, Tothwolf wrote:
>I was recently asked to work on equipment that had tri-wing screws holding
>it together. It was apparent someone had tried to use pliers to remove the
>screws, but was unsuccessful. I don't yet have a set of tri-wing bits, so
>MCM might get some business from me after all.

I've always wanted a bit set that will disassemble the
McDonald's Happy Meal toys. They almost always have a
screw with a triangular hole, perhaps rounded at the bottom.
What are those called? Trilobe?

- John
Received on Sat Jan 19 2002 - 13:38:50 GMT

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