I'm guessing this is a PLC board made by Motorola? I used to have a tech
contact a few years ago for their PLC controller division but have since
misplaced it and other than digging for a Motorola support number I'm not
sure how much you'll find on this on the net.
-----Original Message-----
From: owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
[mailto:owner-classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org]On Behalf Of M.ASIF MANGEL
Sent: Monday, January 21, 2002 1:29 PM
To: classiccmp_at_classiccmp.org
We have MVME 117A Motorola board installed on Variatex 2500 round
knitting machine (Italian origin) which is malfunctioning. Of course
operating but demaning extra voltage than the specifications. And after some
period stability again demands more voltage. We asked the company to
replace it but the manufacturer of the machine have not the same in their
stocks and offers an alternative which we don't want. Moreover, they demand
exceptional price for the module. Can you please help us in this respect?
1 Where we can find a new MVME 117A Motorola board?
2. What will be approximate price?
3. Does Motorolla have any site/email for solutions to such
An early detailed reply will be highly appreciated.
Please mind that eproms provided by the machine manufacturers are
available and we don't need that.
Thank you
Asif Mangel.
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