OT: Common sense security (was Re: Here I Am)

From: Eric Dittman <dittman_at_dittman.net>
Date: Wed Jan 23 00:01:01 2002

> Also, a backup procedure is a very good idea. As long as you're careful
> with what you do with Linux (eg. don't run services you dont need, keep up
> with security updates, etc.), you should have just as secure of a system
> as OpenBSD. Don't run thinks like BIND, or other buggy large software
> packages, run more secure equivalents... like MaraDNS instead of BIND,
> qmail instead of sendmail, thttpd instead of Apache (well, Apache is
> unlikely to be much of a problem if properly configured)...

Actually, with *ANY* operating system you need to keep up with security

> <plug>I just got a DDS-3 (12G uncompressed) drive from PCSurplusOnline for
> $175 (pull from server), and it works beautifully. </plug> 12-24G of data
> on a $8-$10 tape is a VERY affordable solution if you ask me, there's very
> little reason not to do backups. At least you could do CD-R(W) backups
> as little as $0.30 per 700M disk.

I bought a DLT4000 and a TZ867, removed the TZ86 (converted to DSSI and
installed in my VAX 4000/500 to read TK50/TK70 tapes), and installed the
DLT4000, which turned the TZ867 into a DLT4700. I have 140GB/280GB of
storage available, and use that to back up all my systems. The initial
cost was a little high ($400 for the DLT4000 and $250 for the TZ867),
but the long-term costs are low, and DLT is very reliable.
Eric Dittman
Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/
Received on Wed Jan 23 2002 - 00:01:01 GMT

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