On Wed, 23 Jan 2002, Jochen Kunz wrote:
> On 2002.01.23 07:33 Doc wrote:
> > RedHat has the strangest concept of security I've ever run across.
> > They close doors that should be open - sendmail refuses connections on
> > port 25 by default - and leave others wide open. Like running
> > [unconfigured] apache on every install.
> That is the point. If you do a carefull setup, install fixes, ... you
> can make Linux as secure as any *BSD. One of the reasons why I prefere
> to use a non-Linux OS on a non-PeeCee machine as firewall, is that the
> script kiddys don't know how to hack, but only know how to use the
> newest exploit... And of course there is a butload of other reasons to
> use *BSD instead of Linux...
If you don't want script kiddies to be able to use their r00tkitz and
spl017z, just run it on something besides a PeeCee... Debian running on a
68040 mac or DecSTATION, etc, would confuse the hell out of them-
especially if you make the system report it's a peecee in its headers ;-).
Eg. OpenSSH 2.9p1 says it's "OpenSSH 0.1beta5" or "OpenSSH 10.4" :) That
should confuse them enuf (athough it takes some work - mostly just
re-compiling. 'Just confuse the little jokers.'
-- Pat
> > Debian Rulez
> ...if you want to be a LUser (Linux User) ;-)
At least I don't use OS's named after reactions... eg. Wince. (Hey, and
more OT, isn't AIX a bad acronym.. even if it is all AIX and pains?)
> --
> tschüß,
> Jochen
> Homepage: http://www.unixag-kl.fh-kl.de/~jkunz/
Received on Wed Jan 23 2002 - 10:21:29 GMT