Apple II boards

From: <(>
Date: Wed Jan 23 17:11:46 2002

In a message dated 1/23/02 3:25:21 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< If you're patient, I'm going to be disposing of the considerable
assortment of
 Apple boards I have lying about, including a couple of II+'s and a IIe. The
 only things I'm likely to keep will be the PSU's. It might be well for you
 learn about the Apple-][+ before running out to get various add-ons, so you
 get the "right" stuff as opposed to a wierd assortment of junk. >>

Hopefully, you will offer these goodies here before ebaying them off. I've a
huge stash of apple goodies, but always could use more. wish i could find a
clock card...

old computers, old cars and sundry items
Received on Wed Jan 23 2002 - 17:11:46 GMT

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